Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A New Week

Katie R.

As observed by the photo of Stripe the Fish last week, it was a definite Murphy’s Law kind of week here.  Luckily it was a lot of of small (yet expensive) problems, but everyone is healthy and for the most part happy.
After the radiator leaks, dryer breaking down and many other issues, Sunday brought about a new day.  Joe was able to get the dryer working and I was giddy with excitement as I was way too lazy to drag the mounds of laundry we had to the laudromat.  I went to the grocery store and actually got enough groceries for the entire week, yes that is a huge victory for this family.

I got home and the boys woke up and we made dinner.  I didn’t have time to empty the dishwasher or put away most of the groceries, but everyone was in a good mood so I didn’t care.  I even picked a few branches from one of our trees and put it in the window.

I actually looked at it and took a deep breath and relaxed for a minute.

Then I looked down.

Oh well, it was nice while it lasted. The good news is that by bedtime the kitchen was cleaned, the laundry was done and we’re even on track for the downstairs project.  Maybe this is our week!

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