Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Katie D.

My kids have found a new passion in their lives. One that is wonderful and all encompassing…Reading! Tom and I have always read to the boys. It’s a consistent part of our bedtime routine, we have books throughout the house and we lead by example. Don’t get me wrong, we still watch our fair share of TV but my kids are choosing to stop watching, pick up a book and bring it to me to read to them. Colby had a speech delay that he has caught up with and I wonder if his new found vocabulary has given him more confidence in reading aloud and asking questions about stories. He has his favorites and request them but the great moments are when you introduce a new book and he is captivated and asks to read it over and over and over again.  Colby’s excitement is only rivaled by Lincoln’s.  I’ve taken to calling him a lapapotomus! He constantly is grabbing a book, crawling into your lap and demanding to be read to.  If I’m not sitting down he will try to drag me out of the kitchen so that I will sit down.  It’s usually very cute unless I’m attempting to get a meal on the table.   What I’m most excited about is this came about very easy and naturally.   It may be a passing phase but I’ll enjoy it while it lasts!

Plus they are so damn cute when the sit in one place quietly for any amount of time!