Thursday, May 3, 2012

A Pretty Good Day

Katie R.

As I stated Sunday was a good day.  Joe, and Andrew, finally were able to get out and mow and while Joe put the lawn mower away Andrew was playing on the deck.  Joe came in to get a shower and Andrew started yelling into the house "Daddy get out here I have something for you." 

Joe, who is a pretty good dad, went to see what he needed.  This is what Andrew had waiting for him.  I love that he not only set the table with food but he got all the condiments lined up as well.

Then it was time to eat!

Of course Andrew wouldn't look at the camera, but it's still a pretty cute picture. After this they came in and had lunch together, peanut butter & jelly AND mac & cheese, nothing is too good for my guys!

It was a good day!  Don't worry these sunshine and rainbow posts won't continue.  Right now Wes is trying to nap and the contractor is sawing and hammering,  so it's 9:30 and I already know what kind of day it is going to be.

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