Wednesday, March 7, 2012

My Addiction

Katie R.

My name is Katie R. and I am addicted to Diet Mountain Dew.  My addiction has become worse since January 2, 2012 and it does not appear that it is going to end anytime in the near future.  In fact, when I discussed giving up Diet Dew for lent, Katie D said “no one wins with that”.

I wasn't always a Diet Dew addict, and used to drink beer, wine and even water until January when the new diet began.  I have always battled weight issues and after the birth of Wes knew it was time to do something drastic.   I started a strict diet after the New Year and am really happy with the results; however, calling the diet strict is a bit of an understatement.  The diet allows 1 “normal” meal a day and the other 5 meails are bars or dehydrated food.  The food isn’t bad but the only drinks allowed are water, black coffee (yuck) or diet soda.

Therefore my love of diet soda, particularly Diet Mt. Dew, has grown exponentially.  The good news is I’m ½ way to my goal weight so hopefully by June I’ll be able to kick my soda addiction and start drinking beer again.

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