Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Hump

Katie D.

Scene: A hot summer day in 1985 and my parents have taken my 2 sisters and me to get ice cream.  We then load into the station wagon and go for a favorite of my parents, a lazy drive.  I, the youngest of the 3, get stuck in the middle or the hump in the wagon for an unforeseeable future.  My knees cramp up and I feel a little nausea from the time in the car. My sisters tell me it’s not that bad.

Scene:  Current day, a cold winters night in our king size bed, a bed that is worn resulting in two sunken sides and a hump in the middle.  Tom, needing to snuggle, is located on my right and my enormous, coon cat Isis Kitty stretched out on my left which leaves me yet again in my life on the hump.  My husband claims the hump is not that bad.

Both scenes end with the same thought, BULLSHIT!

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