Thursday, March 29, 2012

Pool Party

Katie R.

So Andrew was invited tomorrow to a classmate’s birthday party.  Now for most people this would simply mean going on Friday night to a party but for this household it’s of course a freakin’ ordeal.  Here’s why:

The party is an indoor “pool party” which Andrew is going to love, and we (Katie D. is also going) are pretty sure we’ll have to get in the water.  I have known about it since last week but of course today I decide to look for the swimsuits.  I find Andrew’s suit no problem, but the only one I can find of mine is my maternity swimsuit.  This was last worn when I was 8 months pregnant and it is pretty much the size of a tent so I can’t possibly wear it.

I tore through all the Rubbermaid tubs downstairs looking for the swimsuits.  I know for a fact I have 4 swimsuits that should fit and I can’t find a single one.  So now I’m irritated that I will have to go out and buy a swimsuit primarily because I’ll have to try on said swimsuits. 

Wes was very tired and went to bed at 6:30 (which means he will probably be awake at 5am. Awesome.)   After giving Andrew a kiss, I headed to TJ Maxx with the same level of excitement I have when going to the dentist or the gynecologist.  I found some swimsuits to try on and grudgingly made my way to the dressing room.  It was then I looked in the mirror and saw that my sweatshirt was filthy.  It was covered with squash baby food and pancake batter (yep, my kid had eggs and pancakes for dinner because we had no other options).  It was past the point of trying to wipe off so I tried on the swimsuits, realized I need to lose a lot more weight, grabbed the suit that was the least offensive and held the suit in front of my sweatshirt as I headed to the cashier. 

I then came home grumpy and $30 poorer and the worst part is I’m pretty sure the suit I bought is identical to one that I already have.  Oh, and now I have to go shave my legs.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Box of Joy

Katie D.

Lincoln turned one in December and received fabulous gifts from everyone.  They have all been played with and properly trashed with love.  However, I was organizing his closet the other day and came across a present not used or even open.   This was not just any present, it was a box of joy.  The directions had been given to me verbally.  The box of joy had an everyday purpose but I was instructed to let Lincoln have free range of it once it was opened.  Once I opened it Lincoln (and Colby) found it exhilarating and fascinating that they had the freedom to do what they wanted with the box of joy. I would recommend the box of joy as a gift to any child that enjoys a little free play from time to time.

Yes, it’s just a box of tissues but the sheer delight it gave them was wonderful!  Thanks Kath, it was a wonderful gift!

Monday, March 26, 2012

My kids watch TV

Katie D.

My kids watch TV. I don’t feel guilt or pride over this.  Some days the TV doesn’t go on, others it’s on all day and most it’s somewhere in between.  I don’t use it as an excuse to sit and paint my nails, it goes on while I gather things together before we head out the door or to get dinner started or to pacify one child while the other needs me while we continue to work on potty training issues. Obviously, I feel that I need to justify why my kids watch TV. But then I think they love Curious George; why shouldn’t they be allowed to watch that monkey and the man with the yellow hat go on an adventure?  So it goes on when they have a show they want to watch too.  I understand that there are studies out, some schools that advise against it, and the ever present parent at the playground giving the judgment eye when your kid sings a theme song from a cartoon. I don’t keep track of how much we watch, I’ve got other things to do. When Tom and I recognize it’s too much we turn it off.  I write about this to satisfy my need to tell myself and any other mom to own what you do in your house and to sing loud and clear the theme songs to any cartoon at the playground this week. I look forward to hearing them!

Did That Really Happen?

Katie R.

Along with the million other things that go through my head on a daily basis, one thought that constantly arises is “why did I think I am responsible enough to be a parent”?  Luckily so far my children are surviving; however, something happens almost every day to make me say did that really happen?  Let’s just take two days last week for examples.


I dropped off Andrew to school. We actually made it to school with our backpack, breakfast eaten and dressed appropriately for the weather.  I thought “maybe I will actually be able to get some errands done during school.”   My plan was for Wes to fall asleep as I went to Wal-Mart, the grocery store and then stop at the bookstore to give him a bottle and grab a coffee.  I drove the long way to the store to ensure he was asleep and as I opened the door to put his carrier in the stroller the little darling opened his eyes and laughed.

I silently cursed but thought “well we’re her”, so in the stroller with some toys he went.  This of course was an epic fail.  After 10 minutes in the store he was screaming so I held him and used the stroller as a shopping cart which caused me to forget ½ of the items on the list.  He calmed down a little so I put him back in the stroller and we made it almost to the end of our grocery shopping before another meltdown.  No one was at the self-checkout so I scanned the groceries like a crazy woman and made a mad dash out of the store.  As I was taking a deep breath at the car, I realized all of my groceries were still at the self-checkout line.  So back in with a screaming baby I went, grabbed the groceries and left as fast as the stroller could go. 

 We finally got back to the mini-van and I threw the groceries in the back and took Wes out of his stroller and put him in the seat.  I buckled him in and he was reaching for the magnifying glass, so I went to give it to him and thought “what the hell am I doing he is too little for this”.  It was only then that I realized that I had put him in Andrew’s seat which meant he was facing forward (he is not even 6 months old).  Nothing like a little child endangerment to end a truly horrible shopping trip.

So after our trip to Ohio Joe had to work the weekend.   It was a cold and rainy Sunday so we decided to stay in. We had a great morning playing, watching movies and just relaxing.  It then got the magic hour of naptime and as usual chaos ensued.

Andrew started freaking out about something so I told him to go into his room, turn off the lights and play with the shamrock glow sticks his Nana gave him.  He was told that after Wes had a bottle, I would come and read him a couple books.  These specific words were spoken “Do not chew on the glow sticks”. 

Wes, who had been super fussy all day because his first tooth came in, was 75% through his bottle when I heard a horrible scream.  I ran down the hall, dropped Wes in his crib and burst into Andrew’s room to see his face glowing.  Of course he had broken the glow stick and the “goo” went right into his eye.  I grabbed him and threw him in the shower -clothes and all.  He was screaming because it hurt which caused Wes to scream because his room is directly across from the bathroom. I threw water in Andrew’s face and took off his shirt, wet it and told him to hold it on his eye while I looked for the package and called Joe.  I was a complete wreck at this moment and was 99% sure my child was going to be blind in one eye and wear a patch like a pirate (which he would probably love).   Joe tried to ask me questions which I of course I found ridiculous and basically hung up on him to go throw some water back in Andrew’s face.  Finally, I found the package and it said non-toxic and “if gets in eye or face flush with water”.  So I tried to flush Andrew’s eye out, which of course is really easy to do to a toddler, and Joe called to say his colleague who works at poison control said it would be fine and just try to keep him in the shower for 15 minutes. 
Wes had now cried himself to sleep and Andrew calmed down and was not in pain.   We spent 15 minutes or so rinsing out his eye and he went into the living room with me.  I feel so guilty I told him he didn’t have to take a nap and that he could watch a movie.  He then promptly fell asleep sitting up so I carried him into his room.  He woke up as I laid him down and with terror in his eyes said “no mommy the glow things are in here”.  I told him that we threw them in the trash and he rolled over and went to sleep. I guess no clubbing in this kid’s future with his fear of glow sticks.

And to think that was only 2 of the last 7 days.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Ohio State

Katie R.

So I think in my bio I wrote that I am an Ohio State Fan.  I don’t know if saying I am a fan really describes it.  I went to Ohio State for the football and parties and I managed to never miss a home game and partied most weekends, so I would say my college experience was a success.  The partying has definitely come to an end; however, the sports obsession is still going strong.
So, to explain how crazy I, my family and most of my Ohio friends are about the buckeyes here are a few examples: 

-My aunt and dad are season ticket holders and my dad was really hoping that my 2nd son wouldn't come early because he would have had to miss a game. 

-Both my kids have a winter and summer wardrobe consisting solely of OSU clothes and I just spent a ton of money when I was in Ohio last week buying more.

-My 2 year old can sing the OSU fight song and Battle Cry:
-And of course, my wedding reception was at “The Shoe” which is the Ohio State football stadium.
The best part of this is that I’m not even close to the craziest Ohio State fan.  I mean I don’t have a Ohio State decorated basement, a RV for tailgating or tickets to fly to Ohio for every game… yet!

You Know You're a Mom When...

You know you're a mom when your son tells you that he loves you because you take him to The Home Depot. Clearly I was meant to have boys!

Katie D.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

To-Do List

Katie D.

We’ve been in our house since mid-November and its really starting to feel like a home. I knew when we bought a house the to-do list would always be long and whenever we crossed something off the list a few more things would be added to the end of it. Tom and I had discussed bringing our contractor back over for an estimate on our next project but we realized we never finished our last project we had done with him.  We refinished the guest bathroom and had yet to sand, paint and put up new fixtures in it and because it was next to the laundry room we needed to do the same for that room (obviously).  When I get determined I get moving.  Over the last week I neglected the dusting, vacuuming, laundry and general housework and dragged the boys the Home Depot several times (thank God for those race car shopping carts).  During nap time and after the boys had gone to sleep I sanded, taped and painted the ceilings. Over the weekend Tom watched the boys and I finished up the job. I’m very satisfied with the result and finally feel that part of the house is part of the home.  However, my apologies go out to my father-in-law who came to visit this weekend and his cat allergy got the best of him because of my total lack of housekeeping! Remember, it was for the good of the home!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Things I thought I would never say...

Katie R.

Andrew don't blow out your baptism candle.
(This is why kids are baptized at 6 weeks and not 2 1/2 years old )

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Isis Kitty

Katie D.

Let me introduce you to Isis Kitty.

She is the other lady of the house and my “baby girl”. Over the last 7 years she has entertained us, loved us and given us stories to fill a book.  This past week she created a few memorable moments that I wanted to share with you.

Dinner with the boys…

Hiding from the boys…

The boys love her and she loves them....from a safe distance!

Thursday, March 15, 2012


One of the greatest things about being at my parents’ house is allowing them to spend time with their beloved grandchildren.  So of course I let them spend as much time with the kids as possible.

So the other night it was the “bedtime hour “ where my generosity really came through.  My mom was giving Wes a bottle in his room, my dad was giving Andrew a bath and my husband was playing with the iPad so I told Joe I was going to go downstairs and take a bath.  He said “no problem” so I ran like the wind downstairs, I mean I wouldn’t want the kids to see me and ruin any grandparent time.
As I was getting in the bath I heard Wes starting to whimper as my mom put him in his pack-n-play and at the same time I heard the pitter patter of little feet as Andrew got out of the bath and seemed to be running laps around the house.   I contemplated for a moment going upstairs and assisting them with the kids but then I thought “they never get to see these darlings and they probably want to put them to bed without my interference.”  So I did what any generous mom would do, I turned on the bathroom fan so I couldn’t hear anything and took a very, very long bath. 

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Katie D.

Remember when you dropped film off at the store to have it developed.  I always did a quick scan through all of them as soon as I picked them up hoping for a frame-worthy one.  I’d leave the candid ones out on the desk or throw them in a drawer to be looked at again later.  Months later you come across them and laugh at the goofy faces, bad focus and random people in the shot.  Nowadays they just stay on your computer never to be looked at again if they weren’t deleted before that directly off the camera.

That’s why when I came across this photo I was so surprised....

1.      I don’t know why it was ever printed off

2.      Its randomness is fabulous

3.      I’m epically pregnant

4.      It doesn’t exist on my computer anymore due to a laptop crash so I had to scan it back in

Clearly Colby has just woken up from a nap, having his milk and rocking some bed head.  I must have been taking advantage of the snuggle time while he shook off the sleepiness.  He’s wearing a thanksgiving day t-shirt which means I must be about 8 ½ months pregnant (thank God, because I look huge).  The picture seems forever ago…a world that was wonderful and about to get so much better. 

It was so nice to come across the photo; a snapshot of a little moment that I was able to treasure all over again.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Drive vs Fly

Katie R.

We are visiting family now but a few months ago when we were planning this trip, Joe and I got in the same conversation (aka argument) that arises each time we travel to Ohio.

Katie:  Should we fly or drive?

Joe:  Drive

Katie:  But it is so long and we have 2 kids now

Joe:  We’ll drive overnight and the kids will sleep

Katie:  But they always wake up

Joe:  They both sleep through the night and they will be fine

Katie:  If we fly we’ll be there in like 9 hours

Joe:  If we drive we’ll be there in 13 hours and save $1,000

Katie:  We can afford it if we only do it a few times a year

Joe:  Do you really want to take OUR kids on a full plane?

Game, Set, Match to Joe.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

On second thought...

Katie D.

I’d like to think I’m pretty scrappy.  I think I’d do alright in a fight. Yeah, I’m probably a hair puller, eye gouger but I think I’d win.  However, when faced with the question at lunch today if I’d rather be in a fight with an animal or another person I instantly picked an animal.  Tom, shocked by my response, asked why.  My response had me reasoning that I’m smarter than an animal and I could use my superior intelligence against a lesser opponent.  It made complete sense to me.  All others at the table, including Katie R., thought my choice was ridiculous and thought I didn’t have a chance against a bear.  A bear, probably not, but a coyote definitely! 
So I’ve had some time to think about it and I have come to a new conclusion. What was I freaking thinking? Yeah….sure I could outrun a wolf, zig-zag away from a crocodile and speak to the bees that I wasn’t trying to harm them.  While I’m at it why don’t I climb a mountain and swim the ocean. I’ll take my chances with another person.
Which would you pick?

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

My Addiction

Katie R.

My name is Katie R. and I am addicted to Diet Mountain Dew.  My addiction has become worse since January 2, 2012 and it does not appear that it is going to end anytime in the near future.  In fact, when I discussed giving up Diet Dew for lent, Katie D said “no one wins with that”.

I wasn't always a Diet Dew addict, and used to drink beer, wine and even water until January when the new diet began.  I have always battled weight issues and after the birth of Wes knew it was time to do something drastic.   I started a strict diet after the New Year and am really happy with the results; however, calling the diet strict is a bit of an understatement.  The diet allows 1 “normal” meal a day and the other 5 meails are bars or dehydrated food.  The food isn’t bad but the only drinks allowed are water, black coffee (yuck) or diet soda.

Therefore my love of diet soda, particularly Diet Mt. Dew, has grown exponentially.  The good news is I’m ½ way to my goal weight so hopefully by June I’ll be able to kick my soda addiction and start drinking beer again.

Moody Mom

Katie D.

I can’t complain. I think I got too much sleep last night.  I have friends that would use a few choice words if they heard me utter that as a complaint.  My problem is that it made me sluggish, moody and unmotivated today.

Luckily, Colby and Lincoln woke up in great moods.  I could hear Colby signing Twinkle, Twinkle in his room before I got him. I sucked down a couple cups of coffee and we played hard all morning long until we had to run errands. Not just any errands, the dump. Fantastic! We had procrastinated on going for too long so the trash and recycling had piled up into the laundry room. I sorted the recycling into bags and got the trash, the stank-ass diaper loaded trash, in the back of the big tan van.   My adventures in the big tan van are usually fantastic but this one is more of a race to unload. The boys love the dump and all the trucks they have to offer and don’t mind the smell. The workers are friendly and polite and I try not to be a curmudgeon with them.  

 We finish up our errands in the upper valley and head home.  My spirit still sucks through lunch and naptime.  I reward myself with the Girl Scout cookies that arrived this week.  Lincoln is the first to wake.  He’s so damn smiley when he wakes up he starts to break through my dreadful mood. I lay down on the living room floor with him.  I become the jungle gym he loves so much.  He circles around me over and over and over again. He squeals with delight and thinks this is the greatest thing in the world. He then jumps on my stomach, nuzzles his head into my neck and starts blowing raspberries. Shit, how can I be in a bad mood with raspberries being blown in my neck from a 1 year old?

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Snowman Dinner

Katie R.
(Photos taken by Becky Whitney
What does an event planner do when she is no longer employed?  Have a party for her son and her friends’ children of course.  As the majority of our friends now have two kids, we invited the “older” kids to a snowman dinner and the dads and little ones headed to Katie D’s house for a much more relaxed evening.

The party started with the kids having a snowman dinner consisting of a snowman peanut butter and jelly sandwich, cinnamon and sugar tortilla snowflakes and snowman donuts for dessert. All 8 children sat in their chairs, talked, laughed and ate which was remarkable considering the majority of the kids were 3 years old. The moms had pizza and wine… the wine is a very important part of a snowman dinner.

After dinner the real fun started.  I have to credit my mom, a retired kindergarten teacher, for giving me the idea of having a snowball fight with cotton balls.  However, I had to take it to the next level because if you’re going to create the arctic in your basement, you have to have 4,000 cotton balls, 100 hundred blocks and fifty balloons.  So the kids lined up and went downstairs for a “snowball fight.”  At first they were shocked at actually being able to throw things at each other and their moms, however, they soon got into it and had a blast.  The moms seemed to have a pretty good time too, but that could have just been the wine.

The Hump

Katie D.

Scene: A hot summer day in 1985 and my parents have taken my 2 sisters and me to get ice cream.  We then load into the station wagon and go for a favorite of my parents, a lazy drive.  I, the youngest of the 3, get stuck in the middle or the hump in the wagon for an unforeseeable future.  My knees cramp up and I feel a little nausea from the time in the car. My sisters tell me it’s not that bad.

Scene:  Current day, a cold winters night in our king size bed, a bed that is worn resulting in two sunken sides and a hump in the middle.  Tom, needing to snuggle, is located on my right and my enormous, coon cat Isis Kitty stretched out on my left which leaves me yet again in my life on the hump.  My husband claims the hump is not that bad.

Both scenes end with the same thought, BULLSHIT!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

About Both of Us

We could really go on and on about ourselves but we thought it might get tiresome reading our autobiographies.  Instead we wrote a few questions to tell just a little bit more about us.

Where would you like to travel to that you have yet to go?  

Katie D:  New Zealand, I've wanted to see the land.

Katie R:  Ireland and/or Scotland.  I think the landscape looks beautiful and seriously a vacation where the primary activity is going to pubs can’t be bad.

What Kardashian sister do you most relate to?
Katie D: Khloe, I'm loud, outspoken and I think I'm right.

Katie R:  I guess I’d go with Kourtney because she is a mom although I’m pretty sure she is never around her kid.

What’s your favorite item in your closet?
Katie D: A very worn but fabulous pair of jeans that make my ass look amazing.

Katie R. My brown boots.  They fit no matter how much I weigh.

What is your favorite book?  
Katie D: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin, I've become a hopeless romantic.

Katie R: Gone with the Wind although I really have only read it once.

Tell me your guilty pleasure.
Katie D: Mani/Pedi while watching celebrity gossip television

Katie R: Watching any “Real Housewives “ reality show  and I am also addicted to Diet Mt. Dew.

Describe your family in 3 words.  
Katie D: Kind, humorous and fun

Katie R: Happy, funny and obsessive-compulsive (hyphenated words count as one word right?)

How did the two of you meet? 
Katie D:  We both went to a new parent support group and hung out with mutual friends but it wasn't until one night out with a group of moms and alcohol that I realized she was fabulous, hilarious and saw life the same way I do.  Everything I say behind her back is everything that I say to her face, she is a true friend.
Katie R: I first remember seeing Katie at a local mom’s group but I don’t remember talking to her until we took a walk with a mutual friend.  I am not sure when we started hanging out regularly but now I’m pretty sure I don’t go a day without  emailing, texting or talking to her; which I’m pretty sure must be freakin’ annoying.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

My Dining Room, My Life

Katie R.

The other day I decided to put up some of our spring decorations.  I still have more to put up (aka find) but for now the few we have look cute.  During my daily naptime routine of cleaning up the lunch dishes, I realized my son had helped me decorate (see below).  I laughed and started thinking that the dining room kind of represents my life as a housewife and mom.
From far away it looks nice. The decorations are cheerful and it appears clean.  The table and light are new and fairly trendy and it is the perfect size for our family.

Then you look up close and it shows how half-assed my housekeeping skills are. The bucket is filled with cars and trucks and I’m not even sure when my son put those in there. The rattle has been there at least a week and I have no idea where the star magnet came from. The LL Bean bag is covering my husband’s homebrew, which I really wish would find a new home.  Finally the blue chair in the corner was from a party last week and I’ve asked my husband to take it downstairs at least 15 times.


I keep saying when the baby gets older I'll get them on a schedule and I will be able to keep a much better house, always have the laundry caught up and make dinner every evening.  We'll see, We'll see...

secret keeper

You know you’re a mom when….
You become the poop cushion secret keeper.

 A failed attempt at potty training lead to an accident on the couch and I alone know the cushion it occurred on and will not divulge that information to anyone.

Katie D.