Saturday, September 1, 2012

Vacation.. family, food and duct tape

Greetings from Ohio...

We will be heading home tomorrow and it has been a long and great vacation.   We've been here for 16 days and have accomplished the following:

-Visited grandparents, great-grandparents, aunts, uncles, great-aunts, great-uncles, cousins, second cousins

-Gained at least 5 lbs

-Drank at least 2 beers every day

-Went to the zoo, the fair, the children's museum, the natural history museum, the mall, the train museum and too many parks to count

-Moved Andrew's bedtime from 7:30 to 9:30 (I am writing this at 8:40 and he's in the hot tub)

-Watched Andrew drink gallons of juice boxes and sweet tea

-Forced Wes to get over stranger anxiety by leaving him with grandparents constantly

-Finally bought some clothes that fit, but that now are probably too tight

-Danced (sober) on the deck to country music, Alabama, with my sister-in-law and father-in-law

-Taught Andrew to like dogs, be scared of dogs and like dogs all in 20 minutes

-Learned my parents have the least kid proofed house on earth

And no vacation is complete without a total parenting fail.  We (aka Joe) duct taped Wes into a "car" to try to keep him from falling off the deck.  And then he promptly slide his body underneath it and it ran over his head.

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