Saturday, September 22, 2012

1st Day of Fall

Katie D.

Happy first day of Fall! To be honest, I'm ready for it! We had an amazing summer; vacation at the lake, family reunion, several trips to the beach and lazy summer nights when we let the boys stay up late with us because the sun was still out. We have an epic oak tree in our front yard and it has already dropped enough leaves to produce huge leaf piles perfect for jumping in.  Colby and Lincoln seem to never get tired of running and jumping in the leaves and then asking me to rake them up again into a big pile.  Lincoln has a small amount of words and please is one of them and it is the sweetest, cutest please in the world so I will do just about anything when he says it.  So, as my blisters on my hands prove, I raked and raked and raked until we had to come in to eat dinner.  What also amazes me is that leaves don't give much of a cushion! Have you jumped into a pile lately? I've become more of a leaf throw up in the air and run around kind of a girl because of the lack of cushion leaves actually make.  These boys make me love Fall even more! I guess it's time to get the sweaters and boots out!

Epic leaf pile jumping
Colby loving life
Lincoln about to ask "Please"

Bring it on Fall, I love this season! Tomorrow we go apple picking!

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