Saturday, September 8, 2012

Why We Should Not Have Any More Kids...

Katie R.

As Wes nears his first birthday it seems more and more people are asking if we are going to have a 3rd child.  Altough for me it is an easy no, for Joe he still at times thought about a 3rd.  Well pretty sure today he changed his mind.  Why you ask?  Well these were just a few comments made by members of this family today. 

1.  I’ll give you all the candy you want if you just quit whining
                Spoken by mommy at a birthday party

2.  I’ve told you to get out of the road 5 times if you get hit by a car no one will feel bad
                   Again stated by mommy leaving the birthday party.  In
                   Mommy's defense, she took 2 kids who had short naps to a
                   party by herself

3. You’re now in time out for 7 minutes (it started at 2 minutes)
                   Mommy and Daddy were both part of this comment

4. Damn, Wes pooped on the floor
                   Daddy screamed when he realized it happened.  Wes has
                   terrible diaper rash and we were trying to let him walk around
                             w/out a diaper to help the rash.

5. I don’t like this house I want to ruin it
                  Andrew when he was told to take a bath

5.  I am leaving this house.  I’m packing my suitcase
                Thought by mommy but said aloud by Andrew.  Picture below

So, this was today.  Do you really think we should have another.  Yeah we don’t either.

Oh and apparently he was going to move out without putting clothes on

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