Monday, September 24, 2012

Another Day, Another Parenting Failure

Katie R.

So the last few weeks the wedding planning has taken over my our lives.  I promised Andrew last week I’d be a better mommy this week and trust me he has not let me forget this.   So in my attempt last night to make up for the hours of cartoons, iPad playing and “go play by yourself while I send out just one more email” comments I was putting his most current picture in his artwork of the day frame.  In case you’re really up on things you may be thinking yesterday was Sunday, does he have school on Sunday?  No of course not but it takes us about 2 days to get the backpack out of car and get it up in the frame.

So we pull out the most recent masterpiece and I notice there is his name obviously written by a teacher and then one in his handwriting.  I asked him which one of his teachers helped him and he response “no one I did it myself”.  I looked at Joe and smiled shaking my head no.  I sat there during dinner thinking I wonder if he can make any letters himself or if the teacher helped him but then promptly forgot about it as Wes threw ever piece of food off his tray.
Later that I night I said “Andrew why don’t you show daddy how you wrote your name”.  I got out a pen and some paper and he wrote his name.  I looked at Joe wide-eyed and said "wow.. .we suck."

But wait it gets worse.  Today he got home and wanted to write his friends names and asked if I could spell them for him.  Yep with just a little help he pretty much went ahead and wrote all of their names as I spelled them. 
So my son not only taught himself, with the assistance of the iPad I’m guessing, to write letters but I just smiled and shook my head when he told us he could do it.  Tune in next time when he tells me he can read and I laugh in his face.

Don't even get me started on my worst idea ever the art of the day frame.   Do you know how many projects he brings home or does at home on a daily basis?

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