Tuesday, April 17, 2012

And then you call the Mother-In-Law

Katie D.

What do you do when you and your husband are so sick with the stomach bug that you can’t even make lunch for your 2 kids that are running wild around you?  Yes, you call in the mother-in-law.  She was working an open house and drove 2 hours to come to us but I’ve never been so happy to see her in my life. 

Since I last wrote about Colby being sick, the rest of us followed.  Lincoln, like Colby, had a small bug on Wednesday and it passed quickly and he was back to his regular self by Thursday afternoon.  Tom and I thought we were in the clear.  My sister and brother in law came to visit Saturday and we had a wonderful visit with a BBQ that evening. I woke on Sunday feeling a bit off.  I wish I was hungover; I know how to treat that- hair of the dog, a trip to McDonald's and Tylenol. This was all stomach pain, hot flashes and the chills. And then the vomit set in. I won’t go into details but good God it was awful.  Tom started about 2 hours behind me but matched my pain and agony quickly. 

At one point Tom took the boys outside to play so I could lie down for a second and then he called to me so he could run to the bathroom. I sat down in the shade praying that I could make it.  I thought to myself, I have to puke and I’m going to do it in my front yard, what will my neighbors think, I don’t want to be that person. I start looking for a spot to throw up and luckily Tom appears, I dash by him and just make it to the bathroom. 

Also, Colby wanted to wear his snow boots and since neither one of us where in any condition to try to persuade him that it was a bit warm for them we let him wear them.  He then proceeded to attempt to jump rope in them.  The sound of him jumping on the hard wood floor was deafening but Tom and I couldn’t muster an ounce of energy to stop him.

At this point we knew we needed help and made the call.

We are all on the mend and plan a road trip for tomorrow. It’s good to be back among the living.  Sorry to be gone so long!

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