Monday, January 27, 2014

Smaller and Smaller Toys

The older the boys get the smaller the toys become.  Big foam blocks and shopping carts have been trading in for legos and the new and smaller joy that is Playmobil. They are amazing toys and promote independence and creative (meaning I don't have to do a thing with them when they play) but man are the pieces little.


You may think to yourself, what handy cases! And yes you would be right but at the end of the day locating all the little things that go back into those handy boxes can be a bit of a nightmare.  They have been a big hit since receiving them at Christmas but I'm not sure I'm ready for more...

And yes, that's a dime showing how small these pieces are.  My guess is the next time I empty the vacuum cleaner and should check for a piece or two (or ten).

I can't complain really. They are great toys and they will consume Colby and Lincoln for over an hour with no guidance from me.  So I guess I'm grateful....until I step on one at night in bare feet.

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