Monday, January 6, 2014

Moving it Inside

It is so damn cold out. It's cruel and unusual punishment to have beautiful snow outside and have it be sub-artic out.  Last Friday it was so cold out that instead of having the boys come outside with me to "help" shovel, I skyped my sister and had her watch them while they sat and watched cartoons while I finished shoveling the driveway. (I had my cell phone on me so she could call me if anything happened) I don't mind the cold, I'm a New Englander, but when the highs don't get out of the single digits I start to act like a caged animal.  Luckily we had a wonderful Christmas and the boys have had a great time mixing all the new toys together. 

You know we love a good road rally in this house. Most of the time it's outside but we had to get creative and moved it in. 

Santa gave Colby the Batcave and a Rescue Center for Christmas and it has helped the hours passed being trapped inside. (Clearly Lincoln loves it too)

And their is no such thing as too many Legos!  (Isis Kitty agrees)
Fingers crossed that the forecast calls for warmer weather! We have snowshoes and ice skates to break it! 
Happy New Year.

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