Monday, June 3, 2013

Picture Day

I've mentioned before how much I love Colby's school, teachers and program.  As the school year comes to a close I keep reflecting on how much my little man has grown and learned.  I think most of my joy comes from his independence. Don't get me wrong, he is 4 and that growing independence can lead to headaches, timeouts and beer for me but his teachers have guided him to be the best little man I know.  I had the fortune to help take a class photo last week and was so impressed how well behaved and sweet all the kids were. Imagine twelve just 4 years old sitting or standing and smiling while I tried to capture them all.  It was a great moment and the pictures really do tell a thousand words. 

Colby stays one more year in this school and then Lincoln will go here.  We are so fortunate to have found them!

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