Tuesday, July 31, 2012

My Little Eating Machine

Katie D.
I’m a fast eater. My dad is a fast eater and so are my sisters.  I have memories of my youth being the last one at the table eating; everyone else was excused and all the dishes were cleaned up.  I believe this is why I started to eat faster, to keep up with my family.  Tom, on the other hand, is a very slow eater.  He takes a bite and puts down his fork and knife and chews.  I do realize that I enjoy my meal the slower I eat but I still always finish before Tom. This leads me to Lincoln.  Some days he is the slowest eater in the world.  I ask if he is done because he is just sitting in his chair hanging out but he will say no and then slowly and methodically eat one piece of food at a time.  I now realize why nobody stayed at the table with me when I was younger.  I’ve got shit to do and if Lincoln is going to take his time I might as well get the dishes done and the kitchen cleaned up while I have the time. 
Keep on Eating Lincoln!
 I guess the longer the meal goes the less time untill bedtime! That is a perk! Keep on eating Lincoln, I'll just change the laundry and change the sheets while you eat too!

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