Thursday, August 2, 2012

Lightening Up

Katie R.

Approximately a year ago I heard someone tell their child “You can’t jump on the beds or furniture in this house.”  I felt really bad because it is a rule here and I was worried that the other parents thought I was way too strict.  Of course I emailed some close friends who talked me off of my cliff and said “it’s your house you can have whatever rules you’d like.”  I decided they were right and if I won’t let my kids do it here I don’t want other kids to do it either… plus in my defense at the time it was a brand new couch.
I don’t know if I’m a strict parent but I do like schedules, set rules and expect my kids to listen when we give them directions.  Does it always happen? Hell no.  However, we have a time out spot and now that we are past 2 1/2 for the most part Andrew does a fairly decent job of listening.  I’m only talking about Andrew as Wes is just getting to an age where he is understanding “no” but I’m am sure his day will come. 

A funny thing happened the other day, I realized that I was lightening up as a parent.  Now trust me I will probably always be neurotic about my kids’ behavior in public and will occasionally worry about their development; however, I really do think I’m starting to chill about some other things.
For example, this summer we’ve been letting Andrew stay up a little later if he takes a good nap, ok so it’s only until 8pm but hey it’s better than his normal 7pm bedtime.  Also, Wes does not have the nap crazed mommy that Andrew was forced to endure.  If Wes sleeps in the car or has a short morning nap I don’t stress about him falling back asleep. 

Also, before Wes was born I could have told you exactly how much TV Andrew watched each day and was a crazy person about what time he ate lunch, dinner etc.  With the arrival of Baby Wes I have definitely learned to go with the flow a little more.  During the school year we are a little more structured but these days dinner can be late if we’re out playing or hanging out with the neighbors and breakfast seems to be at a different time every day. 
Who knows maybe in a few months I’ll let Andrew stop skipping naps and/or quiet time… yeah probably not. 

See the baby doesn't even have pants on!

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