Thursday, July 26, 2012


Katie D.
As stated on the American Cornhole Association website: Cornhole or Corn Toss is similar to horseshoes except you use wooden boxes called cornhole platforms and corn bags instead of horseshoes and metal stakes. Contestants take turns pitching their corn bags at the cornhole platform until a contestant reaches the score of 21 points. A corn bag in the hole scores 3 points, while one on the platform scores 1 point.

This simple game played on two large wooden platforms was key to an enjoyable vacation and family reunion this past week.  Tom and Joe spent the last two days before vacation making the platforms while the women folk (Katie R. and myself) packed everything else. Luckily I drive the big tan van so we had some room to squeeze these massive things in. 

I’ll admit that before vacation I had never played before and wondered if it would be as fun as everyone said that it would be. During vacation the kids used the platforms as ramps for their cars and by night it gave us grownups some quality time to get our competitive juices flowing.  When both opponents scored the same amount of points on an end and a “push” was declared I broke out into dance every time; curse you Salt-n-Pepa!! I couldn’t resist; I’m still surprised no one captured that gem on camera but thankful nonetheless! And by the end of the week we had our tourist sweatshirts to help show off our team pride! I wasn’t the strongest of players but I felt that I held my own. Tom, on the other hand sucked pretty bad for most of the week.  Even Katie R. got on him pretty good and they were on a team together!

team gray tourist sweatshirt
team blue tourist sweatshirt

Tom, the kids and I left vacation a day early to head to my parents’ house for a family reunion. It was sad to leave that beautiful place but I was eager to see all of my sisters and their families! Upon arriving Tom asked if we were taking out the cornhole boards and my immediate reaction was yes.  If only I had a picture of the van fully loaded to appreciate Tom’s reaction of “really?” The big tan van was filled to the top and the platforms were on the very bottom with everything stacked on top of them.  After a bit of time we successful unloaded again and put the platforms to use right away.  One thing about my family is that we don’t just sit around and chat; we are movers and shakers and need something to fill our time with. The following day, with the entire family in attendance, the game of cornhole found its true appreciation! Everyone enjoyed the camaraderie around the platforms as teams’ competed and family cheered on everyone.  Tom found his game while partnered with my dad as they schooled everyone that was in attendance!  Even during my best games my sister and I couldn’t even come close to beating them.  My father reveled in the glory of beating everyone.  My sisters and I don’t have to look very far to see where we get our competitiveness from.
Tom in the zone
my dad showing his form

The fun of cornhole won’t stop now that we are home.  We have big plans this weekend to use it for a BBQ that we are hosting on Sunday of Tom’s fellow co-workers. Hopefully Tom hasn’t lost his groove so we can school them too!

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