Saturday, July 7, 2012

Andrew's Big Catch

Katie R.

So there was one great thing that came from my family’s visit to the Upper Valley, Andrew learned to fish.  Ok so he’s 3 and we’ll use the word fishing loosely.  This is how he fished:

1.       He watched Joe put the worm on the hook

2.       He watched Joe cast the line

3.       He reeled it in for a few seconds

4.       He went and swam on the beach

5.       He would go back when he got a bite

6.       He watch Joe reel in the line

7.       He watched Joe take the fish off the hook

8.       He ran around yelling “I caught a fish, I caught a fish”

9.       He watched Joe throw it back in

Of course Joe and my brother-in-law fished almost every day and Andrew caught the biggest fish, with his Spiderman fishing pole.  He did take a photo with it but wouldn’t touch it.

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