Thursday, July 12, 2012

Living in a Small Town

Katie R.

I grew up in a small town and until 4 years ago I would have never thought I would return to this life.    Although we’re now 1,000 miles from Ohio, I’ve definitely come full circle and very, very far from life in Boston.

Many days I long for the excitement of the city, the museums and the restaurants. However, then I remember that when we lived in the city I didn’t have a 3 year old and 9 month old so maybe we wouldn’t be going to the art museums or trendy restaurants.
One thing I do love about living here is after 3 short years we are so lucky to have a great group of friends and seem to run into people we know wherever we go.  This are also seems to have so many activities for little kids which is really great and we never seem to sit around saying “what should we do today”. 

The reason that I started thinking about all of this was yesterday we went to story hour in the park.  It was nothing special just the library reading books in the park but Andrew loved the books and Wes just loves being outside.  Today there was “Thursdays in the Park at Noon” which had a great kid’s musician singing and the kids were having so much fun singing and dancing.  It was really hot today and Andrew isn’t feeling 100% so we didn’t stay the whole time but it is such a well attended event I know we’ll be back.  The best part is that both of these events are free and really a great summer activity to do with kids and I really feel these are the kind of things that make a small town.

Andrew enjoying story hour

Thursdays at the park.  We got there late and all the shade was taken so we're a little far away.
There is also the weekly farmer’s market, which I use as a way to avoid cooking dinner for my family, but with swim lessons and being so hot I think we’ll skip that tonight.  It’s the last day of swim lessons so I’m thinking a trip to McDonalds is in order!
Wes just happy to have a water bottle.

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