Tuesday, July 3, 2012

American Flag

Katie D.

If the size of your American flag in proportion to the size of your house is an indicator to your patriotism them I am the most patriotic person in all the land. 

Tom and I moved into this house last October and we are still coming across treasures from the previous owners.  Our shed has proved to provide the most goodies.  I’ve utilized several of the pots and gardening tools so far. This weekend I discovered a rolled up American flag.  I pulled it out and discovered it was in amazingly good shape.  With Independence Day this week I felt we needed to hang it up. 

Wow, is this why it looks so new?Did they never put it out because it an enormous flag on a small flagpole on small house! Well I’m keeping it up!

Here’s hoping your Independence Day is filled with fireworks, parades, barbeques and families.

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