Saturday, June 2, 2012

I Told You So...

Katie R.

I know that I write a lot about the antics of Andrew and daily he does things that make me a laugh and also things that make we want to pull my hair out.  Although I wish his preschool progress report would have only said what an amazing kid he was, the good thing is that he seems to be a nut a school too.  Ok so maybe it's not a good thing but it makes me feel better that he acts the same way he does at home at school so it's not something I am doing wrong.  Yep, I am an awesome parent.
These were the exact words on his progress report (there were good reports before and a few things after but this is what sticks out) “At times Andrew can get carried away with entertaining his peers.”   You guessed it that’s my kid, the class clown.

So basically I am just writing this to say I told you so.  I’m not exaggerating about this child. 

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