Friday, June 22, 2012

Hot Air Balloon Festival

Katie R.

Every year a local town has a hot air balloon festival.  It’s a pretty great event with balloons that launch every morning and evening to the delight of the crowd.  However, one thing I’m learning about the balloons is that they are very sensitive to wind. 

So this Father’s Day we loaded up the kids after naps knowing they would be up past bedtimebut thought it will be worth it to see the excitement on their face when they see the balloons.  We arrived at 4:30 which was perfect for the 6pm launch.

We ate some “fair” food,  got the ridiculously large lemonade, road the train, went in the hot air balloon designed for kids, ate some ice cream and then found a spot to watch the balloons launch.  Then we waited and waited and waited.  Finally at 7pm, which is Wes’s bedtime, we decided to leave and were pretty sure the balloons weren’t going to go up because of the wind. 

Oh well.. the kids had fun and Joe enjoyed his Father’s Day so that is all that mattered.  It really is a good festival even if we didn’t see a single hot air balloon.  Maybe next year we’ll try to get up and see the 6am launch, maybe…

Soooooo Big

Andrew loved the train

Yep I can stand

Glad we spent money on this.  Note the excitement.

Only hot air balloon we saw..

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