Monday, June 11, 2012

Pretty Sure This Was Not The Right Answer

Katie R.

So after having to go out of town unexpectedly for a funeral this weekend, tonight I was back and reading Andrew books at bedtime.  He chose a prayer book his great-grandma gave him and maybe it was because of the funeral or maybe he just caught me off my game but here was the conversation:

Andrew:  Mommy were does the angel come from?
Me:  Heaven
Andrew:  Where is heaven?
Me:  It is very far away.
Andrew:  Can I go sometime?
Me:  Not until you are very, very old
Andrew:  I want to go now.
Me: Sorry but it's a place that you can't go now.
Andrew:  Is it very, very, very far away?
Me:  Yes
Andrew:  Can I watch a movie on the way there?
Me:  Yep


Of course I go to tell Joe the conversation and he said when he and Andrew read the book he just tells him that angels live in the sky and that Andrew is cool with that.  Why the hell didn't I think of that?

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