Thursday, March 28, 2013

Way to Go Yesterday Self!

I'll admit it, I'm in a lunch rut.  Day after day my boys just keep getting peanut butter and fluff or jelly, and whatever fruit and vegetable I have around.  They don't complain, I'm sure I could just keep the status quo and they wouldn't care but I'm over making those sandwiches day after day. I always think I'll make something else but then once I get in the kitchen it's the same old same.

That is until today.  As I came upstairs to make lunch and I reached for the bread I realized that I had done it! I had totally set myself up the day before.  I had forgotten that yesterday I used the last of the bread making lunch and that I needed to take another loaf out of the freezer but then  I decided not to so I would have to do something different for lunch today.  I had totally forgotten and I was so proud of my yesterday self.  Apparently my yesterday self didn't trust my today self and with good cause!

Let's hope that's the kick in the butt I need to try a little harder at lunch or I'm going to have to to write my tomorrow self a little note to get my shit together!

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