Tuesday, March 26, 2013

$25 Easter Challenge - update

Katie R.

So I posted a couple weeks ago about only spending $25 on Easter this year.  If you want to know the whole background on why the bunny is cheaping out this year http://2katiesblog.blogspot.com/2013/03/25-easter-challenge.html 

I was going to wait until Easter morning to take pictures but I thought if they are already in the baskets you may not be able to see everything.  So here is everything I bought for this year:

2 Easter Baskets with Easter Grass:

Candy for Baskets:
2 Packages of Plastic Eggs and Candy for Eggs:

 Monster Trucks:

Egg Sidewalk Chalk and a 3 Pack of Bubbles:
Carrot Golf Clubs and Balls and a Ball for Wes:

Coloring Books, Book and a Puzzle:
Eggs, Vinegar and Dye:
(Joe insisted on doing the traditional Paas ones. I wanted to try a different dying them by using shaving cream and food coloring but he felt that this was our tradition.  Lame.)
Here is all is together
So the GRAND TOTAL is = $24.45
I know as the kids get older they won't like all of these "little things" but right now they are 3 and 1 and this is plenty for them plus I still have $.55  to put in eggs and 55 pennies goes a long way.  I'll post their reactions, good or bad, after Easter morning.

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