Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Recycle or Upcycle

Katie D.

Colby :Mom, is fluff or trucks in that?

Me: Fluff you silly goose!

But when I think about the question Colby asked, he had good reason to ask it. I recycle my paper, cardboard and bottles like a good girl.   And every now and then I'll save a container or two and use it to hold the millions of little toys that Colby and Lincoln have.

The peanut butter container holds baby crayons, wipes container holds regular crayons, fluff container holds mini-cars and the wine bottle box has transformed into a treasure chest. I like having a place, preferably with a lid, for all the little toys and crafts that can get stuck in couch cushions.

I've also got a few empty glass jelly containers kicking around that I'm sure I'll need for something soon. Maybe not for the boys because they are glass but I just can't seem to part with them yet.

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