Monday, March 18, 2013

"Look I'm Shere Khan"

Although Andrew doesn't nap daily I still have him in his room for "quiet time."  He is allowed to look at books and play with his stuffed animal and puzzles.  Lately he has spent hours coloring and doing activity books.  I thought I would give him a chance to do this in his room while Wes slept.

So I prepared by putting a blanket in his room and setting out his coloring supplies.  He was threatened  told to not color/write on his walls, floor, blankets, furniture, bedding, toys, puzzles, books and closet doors.  I checked on him after 15 minutes and he was happy as could be coloring.  Finally his hour and a half were up so I went to get him and this is how the conversation went:

Me:  Great job buddy on staying in your room and being quiet

A:    Look mommy I'm Shere Khan (from the jungle book)

Me: Wow.

A:   It's on my arms.

Me:  Yes I see that.  I guess mommy forgot to say not to write on your arms

A:   (pulls up leg of pants) And look it's on my knee

Me:  You're right it is on your knee

A:  (pulls off socks) And on my feet

Me:  It sure is.  I didn't know we had a black marker in there.

A:  No daddy left his pen with my crayons

Me:  Oh.  That's pen huh?

A:  (Proud smile)  Yes I know how to hold a pen.

Me:  Ok. Did you write on your clothes

A:  No just my body

So tomorrow I will have to say no coloring or writing on: walls, floor, blankets, furniture, bedding, toys, puzzles, books and closet doors OR YOUR BODY.

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