Thursday, March 14, 2013

$25 Easter Challenge

 Katie R.

So every year at tax time, Joe and I realize how much money we spend and decide it's time to go on a strict budget.  Most years we have done our taxes and completely forgotten about the budget by now, but this year with some vacations planned and preschool bills we are going to try even harder.

I have no problem on cutting back on clothes, groceries and items for the house, but the one challenge for me is not spending money on holidays and birthdays.  I won't have to worry about Andrew's birthday presents and party for a few months but with Easter fast approaching I decided that I need to try my best to stick to the budget.

In the past I would have bought the kids a ton of presents, hid a million Easter eggs and purchased candy that we never manage to eat (we still have Halloween candy in the freezer).   So for the past week or so I was thinking that I could do Easter for $25 this year and today's trip to the Dollar Store solidified that plan. 

Andrew has been asking for weeks to play with Easter eggs and I found $5 in my pocket the other day so I told Andrew that we would go to the Dollar Store for eggs and one toy.  So they each picked out a package of eggs and one package to share.  Andrew chose 2 coloring books, and I was so happy that he didn't pick a junk toy I rewarded him by buying 2 coloring books. Wes chose a yellow ball, so in the end we spent $6 which shows how much I suck at staying within a budget. 

We have now spent over and hour playing hot/cold with the eggs and kicking around the ball.  I think that this proves I don't need to spend a lot of money this year.  They are still young and pretty content with the small things.  So for the $25 I need to buy: 2 baskets, grass/filler, items/toys for each basket, candy for each basket, eggs to hide, items for the plastic eggs, eggs to dye and egg dye.   Can I do it?  I'm not sure but I'm going to give it a shot.  If I'm successful I'll post it, if you don't see a post around Easter just assume I failed...and I would go ahead and assume you won't be seeing a post.

Lately Andrew has spent hours coloring which is awesome.

And this is how Wes plays with the.


  1. Katie,
    Baylen plays with Easter eggs year round. He spins them on the hard wood floor, hides them, stuffs them. He's almost 7 and it amazes me that he finds so much enjoyment with these little plastic "toys". Good luck with your challenge!!
    Kris Blockberger

    1. Kris,

      Maybe I'll just leave them out for the rest of the year. They are loving playing with them. Andrew is having "rest time" in his room and had all the eggs with him!

  2. Here's some advice how we've done this in past years. We have baskets in the basement that we reuse every year, and the Easter bunny fills them - we don't get new baskets ever. Kids don't get toys for Easter - they each get one small chocolate bunny, and I supplement with a little candy - 1 bag of jelly beans is usually enough, with some miscellaneous chocolate - and that's it! One year I forgot to shop until the night before, and that was the year the the Easter bunny got smart! No candy - instead my Katie got a giant bowl of strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, and blueberries, plus a whole pineapple. Berries are her favorite! It's a tradition now - we get some candy for the little ones, but always have a giant bowl of berries and a pineapple :)

    We color our eggs with vinegar and food coloring, so I don't have to buy anything to color my eggs - you can use crayons to make designed on the eggs so they look cooler. Plastic eggs are a nuisance, so we avoid them - especially after the plastic egg stuck in the mouth incident with my nephew Carter years ago. (I think the plastic eggs are bigger now, I got one small package of them last year - put little things like m&ms in them I think. I hate the grass but end up buying it every year anyway - lol. $25 is going to be tough with 2 kids - but maybe this year, spend a little more on re-usable stuff (baskets, food coloring) so next year you won't have to! Good luck!

    Jen (Joe's cousin from Cincy)

  3. Jen,

    Great idea with the vinegar and food coloring. I have both of those at the house already. My aunt also suggested kool-aid so I may try that too.

    I know we have a frog basket that Beth gave Andrew but of course I have no idea where it is. I think I'll buy super cheap ones this year then maybe after Easter get some nice ones on clearance that we can use again- great suggestions.

    Thanks for the suggestions. By the way, I think the picture you took of my Wes when we were at your house is one of the best ones I have seen!
