Thursday, November 1, 2012

What There Was A Hurricane?

Katie R.

So on Sunday we were hanging out at Katie D’s for Sunday pizza (Friday pizza was cancelled because we were buying a truck) and we were telling the boys how exciting the Halloween party would be the next day at school and talking about Hurricane Sandy.  Little did I know then the perfect storm that would happen in our house.
Andrew goes to bed at the usual time and tells me as he goes to bed how excited he is for this week.  Then at 3:00 in the morning I hear “Daddy, daddy, daddy” followed by a horrible noise which was of course the sound of Andrew puking all over his bed, blanket, pillow.  We change the sheets and at this point we’re keeping our fingers crossed that it’s just something he ate.  Nope.

So I feel terrible for the little guy who is tired, sick and then the worst part…when I have to tell him he can’t go to his Halloween party.  He cried and cried and even asked if he could go and just bring his puke bowl.  I felt so bad for him I almost cried which is way out of the norm for me but I was really tired and starting to not feel 100%.  Yep, that’s right I started getting sick too so there Andrew and I were at 5 am both sick and watching cartoons. 
Joe went to work and I called at 10 begging him to leave as soon as he could.  He tells me he’s leaving now and I said “awesome” to which he replied “I’m sick and I have to come home now.”  Ughh…

The good news is that Wes did not get sick.  The bad news is that we were all sick and Wes was his usual energetic (aka out of his mind crazy) self.  We basically just wanted him run around and tried to make sure he didn’t break a limb.  Katie D. generously offered to watch him but I wasn’t sure if he was going to get sick and we didn’t want to chance infecting them anymore than we already had.
Luckily it was basically a 24 hour bug and by Tuesday night everyone was feeling better.  Apparently there was also a hurricane during this time but we didn’t know as cartoons and movies were on 24/7 to try to keep the kids happy (the sick one from feeling bad and the little one entertained for a couple minutes) and we feel asleep instantly when the kids went to bed.  Luckily our area wasn't hit as hard as the coast and the southern party of New England.

Wes hasn’t taken a pacifier in about 8 months but decided maybe we would pay attention to him if he was a baby again.  No such luck little guy.

And on Tuesday back to his happy self.  We carved pumpkins at 7am because he asked and I was just so happy he felt better so I said yes.
Wes seems to be ok with the fact he was ignored for 24 hours.

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