Friday, October 26, 2012

Joe Was Right, But....

Katie R.

So I was wrong and Joe was right.  This was typed on the computer that Joe fixed and even fixed it in under an hour which he said he could.  So I’ll say it again, I was wrong and Joe was right.
I should probably leave it at that but really can I let Joe have all the glory?  No of course not.  So, many of you know that we have 3 vehicles, a CRV, a mini-van and an accord.  Now you’re probably thinking 3 cars for 2 drivers is a bit excessive... wait for it… yep today we bought a truck.  And by we I mean Joe bought a truck as I doubt I’ll be driving it much.

So now we have 2 cars we need to sell, but Joe really wanted it and I was cool and even agreed to go tonight so he could buy the truck which was an 1 ½ hours from here.  On the phone today I told Joe that I felt like taking the boys down to buy the truck was a bad idea and maybe we should quickly get a sitter.  He said they'd be fine and this time I was 100% right.  It was pretty much the worst idea ever.
So we drive 1 ½ hours to get the truck and Wes took a short nap and Andrew stayed awake.  We got to Wal-Mart because it was close to the seller and our credit union had a branch in the store.  What was supposed to be a 30 minute transaction, from test drive to hitting the road, ended up being 2 hours.  Yes I was trapped in a Wal-Mart with my 2 kids for 2 hours.  It was horrible.  We bought toys, food, dvds, clothes (yes clothes don’t judge), Christmas decorations and more toys.  Finally I let them crawl around the van and watch a movie while we waited. 

Then I was fortunate enough, because I didn’t want to drive a truck without legal plates, to drive both boys back to our house.   They were hungry (so we hit McDonalds), tired and restless from sitting so long.  Even a movie didn't make the drive go quick enough for anyone.
But we made it and now our driveway looks like a used car lot.  I’m sure our neighbors are very pleased.  So although Joe was right with the computer I’m pretty sure I’m the winner in the spouse department.

The newest addition

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