Thursday, October 11, 2012

A Whole New World

Katie D.
Every mom knows that any privacy or time in the bathroom diminishes to near zero when the kids are home.  Trying to get a shower in can become a chess match; do I get up early before they wake, squeeze it in during nap time, when the husband comes home from work or just say “screw it” I don’t smell that bad!  This is a game that I have played faithfully for the last three and a half years but recently I have crossed over to a new world.  The boys are now old enough and I trust them just enough that with toys and cartoons I can take a shower (including washing my hair and shaving my legs)! It’s a wonderful new world yet I realize it will only be a matter of time before one of the boys brings me something sharp or something from way too high but I’ll enjoy my shower in the meantime!
See, they didn't even notice I was gone!

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