Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Sitting in Tiny Chairs at Tiny Tables

Katie D.

It's a rite of passage when you have kids, no parent can escape it, it makes you nervous and you try to manage your expectations going in. Yes, I'm referring to the parent/teacher conference!

Colby attends a preschool program that I couldn't be more thrilled with. It's a few days a week and gives him the confidence and independence he needs to thrive in this world; it also gives me a great opportunity to spend one on one time with Lincoln. 

The school doesn't have set times for conferences but gives us the ability to email, call or set up meetings when we feel the need.  I hadn't done a touch base with them all year so I sent one of the teachers a quick email....

I was wondering how you feel Colby's progress has gone this year! He continues to love school and I see him grow and learn everyday! Also, anything that you and (other teacher)  feel that I could focus on at home would be welcomed too! Thanks!

To be honest, I was thinking I would get an email back from her detailing the good and the bad of Colby at school and what I could do to help at home but instead I got this....

(Other teacher) and I are happy to meet with you to discuss Colby’s progress and which class would be a good fit for him. Fridays after class work well. The boy’s could play with the extended day kids while we met.

So I got this reply and freaked out! We should meet and discuss Colby's progress! What is wrong with my kid! Tom, of course, was away at a confrence so I couldn't freak out on him and I didn't want to bother anyone else.  And she also took care of what to do with both boys during the meeting so she really must need to tell me something! Good Lord, something is wrong. So I write back....

Friday after class would be great! Thanks! I hope he's doing well during school!

I'm hoping for a little bit of something from the teacher to assure me that my child is not the worst student in the world but nope......

Great! See you on Friday. The boy’s are welcome to bring their lunch with them.

Awesome, pack a lunch! This is going to be a long meeting telling me how bad my child is.

Obviously Colby is a good kid and the fact that they have had no problem with him in the past let me talk myself off the cliff I put myself on! But as my 1st parent teacher confrence the irrational fears that creep into my head where amazing.

Fast forward to Friday after the meeting......Of course it went great! Colby is sweet, smart and stubborn. He, like any other almost 4 year old, has areas he (we) needs to work on but overall is doing well.  One thing that blew my mind was that when they visit the pool he loves it and many times is the last one out! Yeah, shocking I know, remember Swim Lessons?!!  So I survived my 1st parent teacher conference. I only hope I can work on keeping all my irrational fears in check a little better next time.