Monday, January 21, 2013

Baby It's Cold Outside

Katie D.

It's going to get very cold this week and I'm okay with that. Colby and Lincoln love playing out in the snow! I enjoy it too....for the most part. It's the getting all the stuff together, getting them and myself dressed and then actually getting out the door before I sweat to death that drives me insane.  Once we all get outside we all have a good time.

Tom and Lincoln
Snow wash!!!!

  Fun times on the "big hill" in the backyard and epic snowman building in the front!

Colby was pretty proud of himself

Showing off his new "cheese" face!

Hopefully with all this cold air the ponds will be ready for ice skating next weekend! Until then it will be time for puzzles, play-doh and all the other indoor activities that will keep them happy!!

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