Thursday, January 24, 2013

Viewing the World in 3D

Katie D.

Colby and Lincoln received a very cool map book at Christmas that included 2 pairs of 3D glasses. The book is detailed and has beautiful pictures and maps and with the glasses on they become quite stunning. However, 3D glasses make me a bit sick to my stomach. This is not true for the boys. Linc and Colby think it's fun to view the world through them. It cracks me up to hear Colby say, "I'm looking at the world in 3D!" Yes you are buddy, yes you are!

We don't have a 3D TV but nonetheless they enjoy cartoons with these fabulous shades on! I had to keep asking Colby to back away from the TV.  I fear it will bring on seizures!!!

The boys always want me to wear them but I cannot take it for too long.  When I wear them I always close one eye so I don't see both shades of blue and red.
Don't mess around with a man in shades..............Oh No.......

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