Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Birthday Boy

Katie D.

Well somebody had a birthday! Yes, Lincoln turned two this past Saturday. He's getting so big, I'm amazed at everything he does...yada, yada, yada the mother stuff but the big thing is we had 2 fabulous parties for him!

His friends celebrated him on Friday!  Lincoln is lucky to run with such a fabulous crowd! He got to party it up with 11 of his closest pals!

And then on Saturday the family came together to celebrate Lincoln.  It was lovely that family came bearing gifts for him but the big to-do was my mad skills at cake making! (and keeping Lincoln from grabbing his candle on the cake)

I loved celebrating every moment of his birthday with him! Happy Birthday Meatball! I love you! Thank you cards are going out tomorrow and then we refocus our efforts onto the big man in red's big arrival!

Damn, I make these Mickey ears look good!!

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