Tuesday, December 18, 2012

I Believe in Santa Claus

I believe in Santa Clause, I always have and always will. I relate him with the magic that encompasses me this holiday season. I always feel blissfully optimistic, grateful and thankful for the health and happiness of my friends and family.  Even with the horrific and tragic event at Sandy Hook Elementary School last week I feel the need to reaffirm my faith in Santa Clause and the spirit the man in red gives me.

Katie R. hosted her fabulous Christmas party this weekend and we celebrated with some amazing friends. Colby and Lincoln had a great time and loved singing, dancing, eating and playing with their closest pals and Tom and I got to enjoy yummy food, delicious spirits and great company. The night was a snapshot of pure holiday joy for me and my family.

The next morning, when I had to wake up Colby for school, he asked if Christmastime was over. I asked why he would think that and his answer was that he had such an awesome time at Andrew’s Christmas party last night with all his friends he thought that it must have been Christmas Day! For Colby, it wasn’t about all the presents still wrapped under the tree but being with what he considers some of his closest pals.  That, in my mind, is the spirit of Santa Clause; not what he brings on Christmas morning but the feeling of joy that he instills during the season. 
I wish everyone as much joy and happiness that Colby possesses this Christmas season! May my family's positive energy and love help lift the heavy hearts of all those touched by the Newtown Tragedy. Remember to believe in the big man in red and your spirit will be lifted!
Colby-my big believer!

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