Tuesday, December 4, 2012

I Will Find a Silver Lining...

Katie R.
So I haven’t felt great over the past 2 days.  Not sick enough to have Joe stay home from work or unload them on Katie D. (who generously offered to take them) but bad enough to have some stellar parenting moments… however I am determined to find a silver lining.

Wes gave himself a red mark on his head by continuously hitting himself with a plastic hammer and the silver lining is… that I didn’t see him doing it as Andrew and I were dancing to “Have yourself a merry little Christmas”
On Monday I was too tired to play with the kids and the silver lining is… that Andrew finally went downstairs and played by himself.  Today he chose to go downstairs without Wes because he didn’t want Wes to mess up his Legos.  Victory.

The house was completely trashed as during naptime I just needed to lay on the couch and the silver lining is… I realized that every Hallmark and Lifetime Christmas movie is awesome.  I love that in the end the town always rallies, the couple that hates each other always ends up together, the divorcee/widower always finds love, the kid always gets better and it always snows even in Florida or California.
I didn’t feel up to going to my monthly girls night out and the silver lining is… at least I didn’t get sick until Monday so I could spend 12 glorious hours on Sunday with 6 awesome girls shopping, eating, drinking and more shopping.

Andrew felt sick after eating too many oreos, drinking hot chocolate and driving around looking at Christmas lights and the silver lining is… a large empty Dunkin Donuts cup stuck in a kids rain boot makes an awesome puke bucket (luckily we didn’t have to use it).
I think feeling bad for a couple days made me emotional as I, the ice princess, had tears in my eyes today and the silver lining is … the reason I was so emotional is Andrew asked me to dance and said he was my prince.  He then said he needed to grow up to be a real prince and I told him that when he grew up he would find his own princess.  He then wouldn’t look at me and when he finally did he had tears in his eyes and said he didn’t want to find a princess because he didn’t want me to be alone. 

And the greatest silver lining of all came later after Andrew was no longer upset and he told me I would never really be alone because I would always have Just Plain Fish.  Great.
Hour number 48 of watching tv

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