Saturday, December 29, 2012

The Amazing Katie D....

Katie R.

Each time we leave Ohio a little part of me thinks about moving back.  We do miss our family and friends when we're gone but we are so fortunate to have amazing friends in the Upper Valley.

I just wanted to take a second, and stall from unpacking the mudroom full of new toys and suitcases, and thank Katie D. for everything she did for us when we were gone.  She not only watches our fish but when I called to ask if she would turn on the heat she and Tom came over and turned on the heat, set up the lawn ornaments and watered the tree.  And then to add to their awesomeness they left us this:

Considering we rolled in after midnight last night not having to run out to the store this morning was huge. Thanks again Katie, Tom, Colby and Lincoln for everything.

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