Sunday, August 4, 2013

Great Summer Day

Katie R.

This summer has been full of traveling, lakes and soon many family visits which I love as too much time at home with the kids makes us all a little edgy.  However, a week ago we had the perfect summer day all within 5 miles of our home
The morning was spent at a playground with friends and then home to play in our yard.
Some rock wall climbing:

And this:

The boys actually playing together:

A quick nap for Wes and Andrew watched a movie and then right back outside.  Then the best part of the boy's day... Daddy's home!

Then off to the farmer's market for some kettle corn and lemonade.

Of course no great day is not complete without a margarita with girlfriends.  A impromptu girls night completed a great day.

And when I arrived home, Joe had made kale chips from the kale we picked up at the farmer's market.  So of course I had a late kale chip snack before bed.

Now onto our 2 months of visitors.

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