Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Greatest Idea Ever

Katie R.

What happens when a brewery and the restaurant next door team up for a family night?  Only the best thing ever..."Friday Night Kids Movies."

Yes you heard that right, the restaurant offers a kid friendly movie outdoors from 6:30-8:00 every Friday.  Not only do the parents like the beer and the kids love the movie, but there is also a large yard for the little kids (and the big ones once they get bored with the movie) to play soccer, drive trucks or just run around. 

So the movie ends, the kids are tired and filthy, the parents have enjoyed a beer and chatting with adults and everyone is ready for bed.  So although I love fall and am ready for preschool to start I will really miss these Friday nights.  Thank god we still have pizza Friday with Katie D.!

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