Saturday, February 2, 2013

What Goes On Behind Our Closed Doors

It’s Saturday night and I walk in dark room with only two small lights and rock-n-roll is playing on the radio.    Then I see him, the love of my life, our eyes meet and …. I say “lights out guys”.

Sounds like the beginning of great story but it’s really just another night here in our house.  Andrew and Joe are reading their books with their headlamps and “Life is a Highway” is on the cd player as they read a Cars book.  As usual they get carried away so I have to be the bedtime warden and tell them it’s time for Andrew to go to bed.
Photo with the flash on
Yep nights are wild here.  That was last week and  tonight my parents are visiting so Andrew is watching a movie, dad is sleeping beside him on the couch, Mom just put Wes to bed, Joe is drinking a beer and I’m on the computer.  Everyone is happy and it is pretty quiet although tomorrow may be a different story as it is the superbowl, my parents have Wes most of the day and Joe and I are taking Andrew to Disney on Ice so a few drinks may be needed by everyone.

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