Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Ice Cream Cone Cake Success!

Katie D.

It was a birthday weekend in this house! Both Colby and I celebrated our birthdays with a fabulous party with friends on Saturday. We had also planned to celebrate with family on Sunday but all of our families were buried under 2 1/2 feet of snow so those festivities where postponed. With 2 parties planned back to back I wanted to do different cake options on the different days.  With lots of little hands around on Saturday I decided to tackle the ever-cute but never attempted before cupcake in an ice cream cone. 

Luckily I did a little research before just winging it like I have done in the past.  Many recipes called for putting the batter in the ice cream cones standing up and moving them and cooking them without tipping over.  This was my original plan but then I came across the recipe from the fabulous Betty Crocker and I was intrigued by what I found! Make regular cupcakes and just stick the cones upside down on the cupcakes.....would this really work? I decided to try out both options!

I'm so glad that I only tried a few the right side up, they came out a freaking mess!  The upside down ones did tip a little but Betty Crocker told me that would probably happen.

My concern with going forward with the upside down cone option was how tippy would they be and how the shape would look.  Well, they cooked up into most to half of the cone and became somewhat stable. A huge tip to pass along is to save a bit of frosting and use just a touch on the bottom of each cone to help it stick to the platter you use to display them!  Also, once frosted they shape of the muffin was masked by the frosting on the cupcake.  I used several types of sprinkles too to make them look even better!

They seemed to be a big hit! It was nice that all the little kids could hold their own and I didn't find random cupcake wrappers the next morning. 

More to come about the birthday festivities but this was a successful cupcake cone recipe that was worth sharing!

Happy Birthday Colby! I'm glad you liked them!

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