Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Another Meal Another Conversation with Colby

Katie D.

Let me set the scene: Another holiday meal, this time at my Dad's house. Presents opened and spread throughout the house waiting to be played with.

Colby: Mom, can I be done eating?

Me: Here's the thing buddy, you can be done eating but you need to sit at the table with all of us until everyone is done eating!

Colby:(quietly to just me but with feeling) You gotta be kidding me!

Me: (laughing) I'm sorry, just a little longer.

Colby: fine

Colby was a trooper; it was the end of a long, amazing holiday week but he was on overload and that's when the things that come out of his mouth just make me laugh.

Colby and I celebrating together
 before sitting down to dinner

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