Thursday, January 10, 2013

All Fish Are Not the Same

And the conversations continue with Colby...

As previously mentioned Colby has entered the "why?" stage of life. Every conversation I have with him has at least 3 "whys" and I do my best to answer and still move the conversation along.

Scene: Pulling out of the parking lot of Kmart....and action...

Colby: Mom, I want a fish!

Me: We are not getting a fish.

Colby: Why?

Me: Because we watch Andrew's fish when he travels and that is enough fish for me.

Colby: Why?

Me: Because we don't need a fish.

Colby: Why? Wait, Stop! A grocery store, Mom, just stop here and we can buy a fish!

Me: Buddy, the only kind of fish we buy at the grocery store is the kind we eat!

Colby (with mind just blown): oh...okay...

So not the right answer but it shut him up and moved the conversation along!  I'd still consider it a failed parenting moment but I'm okay with it!

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