Monday, December 3, 2012

Our Christmas Photos... a hot mess

Katie R.

So to take a page out of Katie D's book I decided to post some pictures from our Christmas card "photo shoot".

So a photographer I am not.  However, I thought maybe I would jump on the bandwagon with a card with Christmas lights which seem to be popular this year.  On Thanksgiving morning before we headed to Katie D's house I thought we'd give it a test run. 

I'm sure you can imagine the outcome.  So instead of driving myself crazy trying for that perfect photo (and even attempting another round of photos) which I promise would never happen I just went with the theme "this is our real life".  So here are the photos from the photos shoot.  I can't remember exactly which ones were in the card but just act suprised for those of you who get a card this week.

Merry Christmas 2012!

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