Monday, December 10, 2012

Partners In Crime..

Katie R.

If you ask Andrew and Colby they’ll say they are best pals, fire fighters, action guys, super heroes and now I can add attempted kidnappers to their list of titles.
It was just a normal pizza night.  Joe and Tom finished working on Katie’s washing machine, and luckily it seems fixed so she didn't have to use take n' toss cups (which was a really funny blog) to do her laundry.  The boys were playing and Andrew and Colby went into the spare bedroom and shut the door which was fine with us as it left us with only the 2 little guys.  Wes wondered out of the room for no reason at all and I followed him outside the spare room when Colby opened the door.  What seemed like a nice offere quickly turned into another episode of Colby and Andrew's Antics

Colby:  Katie, can Wes come in here?

Me:  No Colby but thanks for including him.

Colby:  Can he please come in here?
Me:  No I think he’ll go back in the room with me.

Andrew:  Mommy please let Wes come in.
Me:  No guys

Wes:  Screeches and walks in the room while I’m not holding him

Me:  Ok fine he can come in
Colby:  Thank you Katie

Andrew:  You can leave now Mommy

Me:  No I have to stay in here if Wes is so he doesn’t break anything.  Why do you guys want Wes in here without me?
Andrew:  Colby and I want to put Wes in the suitcase we found.  We think he will fit and we can zip it up.

Me:  No I don’t think so guys.  I’ll take Wes in the other room now.  (and I walk away smiling).

Good thing they are cute.

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