Sunday, December 9, 2012

Take N' Toss

Katie D.

Take N' Toss cups fill so many rolls in our lives. Yes, it's primary roll of supplying the boys with beverages is vital but it has many other hats in this house.

Here it is in it's glory; waiting to be devoured by a little boy! But what about this? Does it look like a layered treat?  A fun craft project all finished to put on the mantle? Nope, it's my grease cup from my freezer!

It's full so I tossed it out and put another one in the freezer!  If you copy this idea make sure the grease has cooled a bit before putting into a plastic cup!  And then another use for the cup is home repair assistant!

My beautiful new washing machine was delivered this week and when the hoses were switched out the old corroded valve started to leak! Before my husband and Katie R.'s husband could fix it this is how I had to do my laundry; switching out the cup every 5 minutes!

Oh, Toss N' Take I thank you for your many functions in our house!  Santa should bring these to every house this Christmas!

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