Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Special Treat

Katie D.

I recently had to fill out a questionnaire for Colby’s school. I had to answer questions in regards to his likes, dislikes, personalities and interests.  One question asked if he was potty trained.  My answer was 95% trained.  He recently took a little step backwards in regards to pooping.  I had to pull out the incentive game to get back on track.  He got special treats if he pooped on the potty and didn’t have an accident.  This got a little bit lost in translation.  Colby is usually dry when he wakes from overnight and naps but I still tend to put him in a pull up just in case.  One day this past week I walked into Colby’s room after nap; he stands up, turns around, sticks out his butt and points to it and says “Mommy, I get a special treat!"  Good Lord, that wasn't a special treat for anyone.  After a clarification of the special treat rule we got training back on track.  Thank Goodness.

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