Thursday, March 15, 2012


One of the greatest things about being at my parents’ house is allowing them to spend time with their beloved grandchildren.  So of course I let them spend as much time with the kids as possible.

So the other night it was the “bedtime hour “ where my generosity really came through.  My mom was giving Wes a bottle in his room, my dad was giving Andrew a bath and my husband was playing with the iPad so I told Joe I was going to go downstairs and take a bath.  He said “no problem” so I ran like the wind downstairs, I mean I wouldn’t want the kids to see me and ruin any grandparent time.
As I was getting in the bath I heard Wes starting to whimper as my mom put him in his pack-n-play and at the same time I heard the pitter patter of little feet as Andrew got out of the bath and seemed to be running laps around the house.   I contemplated for a moment going upstairs and assisting them with the kids but then I thought “they never get to see these darlings and they probably want to put them to bed without my interference.”  So I did what any generous mom would do, I turned on the bathroom fan so I couldn’t hear anything and took a very, very long bath. 


  1. All you needed was a glass of wine and it sounds like heaven :) You're such a considerate daughter

  2. I think that was very generous!! :-)
