Monday, March 12, 2012

Drive vs Fly

Katie R.

We are visiting family now but a few months ago when we were planning this trip, Joe and I got in the same conversation (aka argument) that arises each time we travel to Ohio.

Katie:  Should we fly or drive?

Joe:  Drive

Katie:  But it is so long and we have 2 kids now

Joe:  We’ll drive overnight and the kids will sleep

Katie:  But they always wake up

Joe:  They both sleep through the night and they will be fine

Katie:  If we fly we’ll be there in like 9 hours

Joe:  If we drive we’ll be there in 13 hours and save $1,000

Katie:  We can afford it if we only do it a few times a year

Joe:  Do you really want to take OUR kids on a full plane?

Game, Set, Match to Joe.

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